Новое обновление ArmA 3 Alpha – динамический свет и полноценный туман
Bohemia Interactive выпустила очередное крупное дополнение для альфа-версии ArmA 3, которая продолжается уже два месяца. Согласно релизным заметкам, данное обновление включает мелкие изменения в динамическиий свет и полностью вводит эффект тумана, который является чуть ли не самым правдоподобным. Это только основные пункты, в действительности список исправлений движка довольно большой.
Полный список на Английском – далее:
-Added: Functions are now compiled using newly introduced compileFinal
-Added: Functions meta data are now secured against rewriting
-Removed use of vulnerable script commands in DynO functions
-Added: BIS_fnc_log enabled in public version when ‘allowFunctionsLog = 1;’ is set in description.ext
-Fixed: BIS_fnc_sideColor can now load non-number values
-Fixed: BIS_fnc_functionMeta was not working with scenario and campaign functions
-Added: Scenario / campaign functions now support ‘forced’ param, allowing them to be executed automatically upon mission start
-Added: BIS_fnc_spawn
-Added: Ability to execute BIS_fnc_execVM and BIS_fnc_execFSM without arguments
-Fixed: BIS_fnc_error was not working correctly
-Changed: Splendid Camera roll speed decreased, users should no longer be inclined to take screens with too extreme roll
-Fog is now really enabled for this branch
-getFuelCargo, getAmmoCargo, getRepairCargo commands added
-Fixes to serialization of particle emitters
-Fixed: shoreline was not covered by fog properly
-Correct vonCodecQuality is set now
-Fixed: Animation source gear for PhysX vehicles
-Fixed: Ships are now using the correct Arma 3 gearbox
-Merge from OA: attack helicopter was unable to engage with rockets (PhysX-compatible)
-Fixed: canMove on a vehicle with dead driver would return false in some cases
-Improved synchronization of structure destruction in MP
-Hotfixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5928 (MP crash)
-Fixed: AI now uses optics better to detect enemies
-Fixed: Switching HDR settings could cause graphical corruption
-Added: Removing destroyed buildings from PhysX simulation
-Fixed: Crash opportunity related to PhysX
-Added: new events for inventory event handlers: “Take” and “Put”
-Fixed: improved path planning related to roads
-Tweaked darkness detection and use of NVG by AI
-Minor optimizations to dynamic lights
-Added: difficulty command to return high-level selected difficulty mode
-Added: getArtilleryETA script command
-Input Array: [unit, targetX, targetY, targetZ, magazineType]
-Returns: ETA of the first available mode (the mode the AI will probably use)
-Fixed: Glitch in blending of 2 animations masks
-Added: compileFinal command
-Removed fully script commands: setVehicleInit, clearVehicleInit, processInitCommands
-Made all script commands final (no longer possible to reassign in most circumstances)
-Fixed: healing sound could play in an endless loop
-Attenuation of dynamic lights can now be influenced by a new parameter in asset configuration – maximum distance of light
-On steep surfaces, players now crouch instead of fully standing up
-showScriptErrors enabled by default
-To allow better debugging (may or may not be changed for final release)
- Arma 3 теперь поддерживает многопоточность — спустя почти 12 лет после релиза
- Pioner — MMO-версия STALKER 2, официально выходит в Steam в 2025 году
- Arma 3 купили 500 тысяч раз во время летней распродажи в Steam