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04 сентября 1987

Обо мне

PSN - VicToR_54321<br /> <br /> Мне ничего не стоит верить этим словам чуть больше, чем я в них сомневаюсь)<br /> Иногда бываю токсичным, но стараюсь держать себя в руках.<br /> <br /> Кто вы вообще такие, чтобы говорить мне о том, правильно ли сделано моё творение?<br /> <br /> The dark, cold, bitter icy chill in the wind, blinding white and grey blizzards, abandoned castle ruins on the mountain sides and the endless snow will always be my home, where nobody can hear you, see you and care about you anymore... I have found peace at last where there's complete and total silence from the very few that have dared to venture out on there own to find a haven, a sanctuary from the madness and insanity they've once lived in long ago... Peace from the everyday chaotic world at last... The world has lost it's faith, I've lost hope for world and for the mindless life that I used to live in, that they made me believe every lie and every ideology they've told me, judged me from the year that i was born to the time that i left this unforsaken place in the world, at last no more lies and deceit, there's no going back from what I've left... Free at last, from the shackles of humanity... A new horizon, dawned the hope of courage and the will to survive away from it all... What does the future hold for me? Well i guess only time and the forces of nature will tell my fate? Well at least i still have my sanity... Bring it on mother nature, I will survive your wrath and harness your power... It is those who choose to live and believe in their small fantasies and push corporate greed and propaganda to the masses that will perish in the forces of nature... It is they who have a lot to lose, not me, I've learnt to adapt and live in my new surrounding, they don't stand a chance without their luxurious living conditions... I will live on until the end of time and humanity itself...<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> По своему осознал существование
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